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Changing Climate in a Mountain Sub-watershed in Nepal

This study identifies the indicators of changing climate at local level, particularly at sub‐watershed in the mid‐hills of Nepal. It shows that considerable warming has occurred in the study area. The average temperature has risen by 1.50 C from 21.60 C during 1978‐82 to 23.10 C during 2001‐06. Annual rainfall is fluctuating; prolonged dry periods and short but intense rainfall during rainy season are being observed in recent years.

Understanding Indigenous peoples' perception on climate change impacts on floral and faunal species in Eastern Nepal

In the recent years, there has been extensive interest in measuring the impacts of climate change biodiversity.Indigenous people have been experiencing the phenomenon of climate change making reference to various living organisms. They have been realizing the changes in different activities and qualitative aspects than normal in various biological resources surrounding them.

Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Opportunities to include agorbiodiversity maintenance to support Nepal's National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)

The agriculture and food security issues of Nepal are deemed vulnerable to the impact of climate change. This report “Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Opportunities to include agrobiodiversity maintenance to support Nepal’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA)” is an attempt to ensure a role for agrobiodiversity in Nepal’s NAPA. The analysis reviewed the context of climate change and agrobiodiversity in Nepal.

Carbon Sequestration in Schima‐Castanopsis Forest: A Case Study from Palpa District

Forests are natural carbon sink and play an important role in sequestrating the atmospheric carbon into biomass and soil. Estimation of total biomass and soil carbon sequestered in any forest is very important as it gives ecological and economic benefits to the local people. Schima‐Castanopsis forests were selected for the study in Palpa district with the objectives of quantifying the total carbon sequestration, and evaluation of aspect and elevation on carbon storage. Stratified random sampling method was used for assessing biomass.

Agro-biodiversity Management: An Opportunity forMainstreaming Community-based Adaptation to Climate

Climate risks and hazards adversely impact the livelihoods of local communities. Based on a recent participatory study conducted in the western hills of Nepal, this article explores opportunities and strategies for integrating climate change adaptation in poverty reduction projects and programmes in ways that increase the capacity of individuals, households and communities to respond to climate variability and change.