Analysis of past climate trends

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Maximum Temperature Trends in the Himalaya and Its Vicinity: An Analysis Based on Temperature Records from Nepal for the Period 1971–94

Analyses of maximum temperature data from 49 stations in Nepal for the period 1971–94 reveal warming trends after 1977 ranging from 0.068 to 0.128C yr21 in most of the Middle Mountain and Himalayan regions, while the Siwalik and Terai (southern plains) regions show warming trends less than 0.038C yr21. The subset of records (14 stations) extending back to the early 1960s suggests that the recent warming trends were preceded by similar widespread cooling trends.

Tree-ring based spring precipitation reconstruction in western Nepal Himalaya since AD 1840

Spring (March–June) precipitation has been reconstructed since AD 1840 for the Rara National Park (RNP), western Nepal Himalaya using Abies spectabilis tree-ring width. The reconstruction accounts for 35.8% of the total variance of the instrumental precipitation from 1958 to 2012 and captured distinct wet and dry variability.